
Industrial companies usually have complex products and long-term supplier and customer relationships, which is why customer surveys look a little different than in the B2C area. C Square offers services specially tailored to the B2B sector.

Customer Surveys

As a rule, an industrial company has relatively few customers, but different contact persons with different tasks are involved in each customer relationship. In such a case, it is important to tailor the content of the questionnaire to the recipient and not to ask all participants the same questions. We solve this as follows: we create a master questionnaire, which we tailor to the participants individually using control filters. In this way, each participant only sees those questions that are really relevant to their function.

Employee Pulse Checks

In international companies, the management of teams is often made more difficult by the geographical distance. For the management of an international team, it is important to receive regular feedback on topics such as workload and employee motivation. Employee Pulse Checks offer employees the opportunity to express themselves anonymously on such topics and provide management with a useful early warning system.