
Our software tools were developed in-house and are state-of-the-art in terms of technology and user experience. Our tools are stored on Microsoft Azure Switzerland North, one of the best-certified cloud servers in Switzerland, and are therefore particularly suitable for companies with particularly high data security requirements. We can easily adapt our software to your individual needs or implement special functionalities especially for you.

C Square Survey Tool

The C Square survey tool is the heart of our software suite and offers all the necessary functionalities for multilingual, professional customer and employee surveys.

The survey tool has the following functionalities:

  • Standard question catalog with the most important question templates (single choice, multiple choice, matrix, rating, priority, open text)
  • Unlimited filter options, including tax information that has been uploaded beforehand (e.g. age, customer group, product use)
  • User-friendly questionnaire layout with mobile response design and auto-forward to the next question
  • Bulk mailer functionality for handling large e-mails. E-mails can be created in your corporate design, and the SMTP server can be configured individually for each project.
  • If no e-mail addresses are available, access to the personal questionnaire is possible using a login page and password. The access data are then sent, for example, by post.
  • Configuration of individual survey domains, such as survey.[KUNDE] .ch or[KUNDE]



Kundenbefragungen bei C Square

C Square Feedback Dashboard

The feedback dashboard is the central instrument with which we distribute the customer responses within your organization to the responsible employees. A feedback loop with a dashboard looks like this

  • Your employees receive a personal login and password. When logging in, only those customers are visible for whom the employee has authorization. However, several authorizations can be assigned per customer.
  • On the overview page, employees see an overview with the classification of customers in terms of potentials and risks. The risk and potential criteria are individually tailored to your survey.
  • The answer to each individual question can be seen on the detail page. Positive and negative answers are marked in color, open comments are also visible.
  • The content of the dashboard is configured individually for your survey. The dashboard is multilingual and the language is stored individually for each user.





Desktop bulk mailer

In some cases it is not allowed to save customer data on external servers. For this case we have developed the Desktop Bulk Mailer, an application that you install on your own computer so that you can send e-mails without the help of external mailing services.

The bulk mailer is installed locally on your C-Drive; no admin rights are required for the installation. You create a file with the customer data according to our specifications in Excel (e.g. e-mail addresses, name, language), you will receive the anonymous access URLs from us. You load the dispatch data and the e-mail content locally into the tool. You need to provide a sender e-mail address and an SMTP server for sending, most large companies have powerful e-mail servers for this purpose.




Screenshot bulk mailer

C Square Self Service Survey (in development)

The self-service survey tool from C Square is limited to the most important functionalities that it needs for a survey. The online tool is built intuitively and is so self-explanatory that it can be operated without further training. You can obtain the self-service tool with standard features in license mode or we can reconfigure it specifically for your purposes (e.g. layout, SSO interfaces, etc.)

Self Service Survey offers the following functionalities:

  • Templates for all common questions (single choice, multiple choice, matrix, rating, open text)
  • Configuration of the questionnaire using drag / drop from a template library
  • WYSYWYG-all texts in 4 languages (d, f, e, i)
  • Creation of unique or reusable survey links in 4 languages
  • Automated reporting with password access




Screenshot Self Service Survey

Online voting (in development)

Our online voting tool allows you to handle internal elections easily and efficiently. The C Square online voting tool offers the following functionalities:

  • Customizable election mask
  • Customizable candidate profiles incl. picture
  • Creation of an individual participation URL for each eligible voter in the target language
  • Login page for participation with password (if information is sent by post)
  • Bulk mail dispatch with configurable SMTP server
  • Automatic evaluation of the results